Serving the Lehigh Valley, Carbon County, and Pocono Regions for Over 20 Years
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Septic Care FAQ
What should I do if my septic alarm is sounding?
The septic alarm is indicating the water level in the pump/dose tank is high. This could be due to several reasons. When the alarm sounds, 1st step to take is to check the breaker panel to see if the breaker labeled “septic” or “sewage” pump is tripped off. If it is NOT off or after resetting, the alarm is still activated, contact our office to have this situation rectified.
Can you clean my septic tank from the PVC pipe I see in my yard?
No. The 4” or 6” pipe that you are seeing is just an inspection pipe to the tank. This pipe is located at the beginning of the septic tank. The tank itself has up to 3 manhole lids on it that need to be accessible to do a proper cleaning of the septic system. The number of lids is dependent upon the type of the septic system and the age of the home.
How do I find the lids to the septic tank?
Once you have located the PVC pipe, or inspection pipe, measure from that pipe 30” away from this pipe and that is where your lids should be located. The lid that you are locating is 20-24” in diameter. The depth of the lids, however, can vary from home to home.
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